The Flourish Experience: The Power of Adoptee Healing in Community
Are you an adopted person? Have you spent much time with adopted people? Is someone you love an adopted person? Have you ever wondered what living life as an adopted person is like?
Please email if you are interested in a copy of the illustrated books.
Self Attunement: An Adoptee Superpower
Self-Attunement: An Adoptee Superpower is a testament to the grief and loneliness we can feel as adoptees. The ability to reparent our younger parts gives us the power to heal, grow and feel safe.
Goodbye Hypervigilance:
Healing Adoptee Worry
Goodbye Hypervigilance is a true story about my experience realizing how adoption trauma had put me on high alert my entire life. My need to control things was catastrophic. Luckily, I have an adoptee competent therapist who helped me identify this old coping mechanism. My hope for Goodbye Hypervigilance is that it will help adoptees name this feeling if it is their experience, help adoptee therapists guide their clients and help adoptive parents talk with their adoptive children about this common issue in adoptees.
NoBODY Looks Like Me: An Adoptee Experience
NoBODY Looks Like Me represents what it is like for an adoptee to grow up in a family where they are not genetically related to anyone. There is a longing to know where your eyes, nose and hands come from. When an adoptee decides to search for biological family, seeing these traits and their personality reflected back to them can be healing beyond words.